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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Dragon Ball Z : Supersonic Warriors System : GameBoy Advance Date Added : 2005-01-20 11:02:36 Views : 34861 How to make a Kamehameha In order to make a finishing move or when you want to make a death move, charge your ki to 50%- 100% and press R+A+B at the same time and you will perform a death move. Note: When at 50%- 100% an arrow will move in a direction telling you where you can preform it,100% will be the Ultimate Death Move. Special Attacks Each character has three special attacks. To do a characters special attack, press A + B + R. Your character's special attacks are determined by where you are. You can do a Normal, Aerial, or Ground Special attack. The arrow will point in the direction that your special attack will be. It will take 50% to 100% of your power gauge to do a special attack. Some attacks at 50% are different than when at 100%. Your character can also shoot a weak, normal, or strong Ki shot. To do a weak Ki shot, hold R and press B. To do a normal Ki shot, hold R and press A. To do a strong Ki shot, hold R then press A and hold it. To do your characters throw, press A + B near your opponent. To Guard, hold A or B. Pressing A results in a weak guard, but you can counter an attack faster. Pressing B results in a strong guard. Bonus Battle Successfully complete story mode without losing any matches. Depending on your character, you may fight a bonus battle after the credits end. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Dragon Ball Z : Supersonic Warriors cheat codes.
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